Exciting news! Ohio TESOL proudly announces that the 2024 Ohio TESOL Graduate Student Research Symposium will be integrated into our 2024 Ohio TESOL Conference. This means that attendees will have the opportunity to experience both events in one place. The conference theme centers around "Lau to now," which commemorates the 50th anniversary of Lau vs. Nichols - an event that changed the course of history in the world of TESOL. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn and grow alongside fellow professionals in the field. Join us at the 2024 Ohio TESOL Conference!
The Graduate Student Research Symposium is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to share their work (completed or projects in progress) with professionals and academics across the State of Ohio and beyond. Graduate Symposium presentation will be approximately 15 minutes for presentation with an additional 5 minutes for a question and answer session after the presentation.
The proposals are encouraged within the following categories:
- culminating/capstone projects for those within endorsement and licensing programs;
- master thesis;
- doctoral dissertations;
- action/participatory research projects.