2022-2023 Tuesdays with Ohio TESOL 12-Part Professional Learning Series
Register for the Spring (Jan-Jun) Series or the Full Series (bundled with membership)
Fall 2022

The Two-Step Process in the Identifiction of English Learners – Aug 23, 2022
Ohio Department of Education staff Donna Villareal from the Office of Whole Child Supports will explain identification procedures for English learners, in particular, administration and proper use of the Language Usage Survey to plan instruction and supports for multilingual learners and families. David Brauer and Paula Mahaley from the Office of Assessment will present information about the OELPS test administration, including relevant data and resources. Federal requirements and state measures will be shared. Participants will have the opportunity to ask direct questions of our speakers.

Dyslexia Guidelines and Implications for ELS – August 30th, 2022
Sherine Tabyaraja (ODE) will provide an overview of the Ohio Dyslexia Law and Dyslexia Guidebook. Successful implementation of the Ohio Dyslexia support law will require implementation of various practices grounded in the Science of reading approach. Universal screening, progress monitoring, and delivery of solid reading interventions are some examples of required practices. These requirements have the potential for a significant positive impact on all learners, including English learners. For English Learners to benefit from these practices, several unique considerations need to be made by school teams. Milena Varbanova, Marie Kobayashi, and Wendy Strickler will provide practical guidance around integrating language and other background information in individual student decisions.

Graduation Pathways & CTE – September 6, 2022
The objective of this presentation is to provide an overview of Ohio’s graduation requirements and explain the different pathway options for students to graduate from high school.

EL Programs and Services – September 13, 2022
Federal and State Education Departments provide general guidelines districts need to follow in developing educationally sound and effective services and programs for English Learners. Districts have options when determining which specific service delivery approach meets their unique student populations’ civil rights requirements and needs. This session will provide an overview of legal requirements, available options, and specific considerations to determine the most appropriate match between needs and support. Educators representing various districts and service delivery models will share their district’s decision-making process and program choices.

OST/EOC Prep – October 11, 2022
English Learners are among the most tested students in PreK-12 settings. Andy Philips, Erica Stone, and Randa Nemer Shaheen will provide an overview of their best practices for the communication, organization, preparation, and collaboration required to ensure that local and state testing is always well supported for student well-being and success.

Slice of SLIFE – December 6, 2022
Many circumstances may contribute to the arrival of English Learners in our classrooms who have experienced interrupted or limited formal education. Megan Kreaps from Cincinnati Public Schools, Kathleen Murphy-Morales from Dayton Public Schools, and Britni Toukonen from Dover Public Schools will provide an overview of their best practices for welcoming students in this situation into the life of their schools while drawing on student strengths to build and support an environment, programs, and services for mutual learning.
Spring 2023 Professional Learning Series

OELPA prep and Alt-OELPA – January 10th, 2023
Ohio Department of Education staff, David Brauer and Paula Mahaley from the Office of Assessment, will present information about the Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) and the new Alternate OELPA for English learners with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Information will include updates for the 2023 OELPA administration and an overview of accessibility features and accommodations. The session also will introduce the Alternate OELPA, including information about Alt-OELPA participation guidelines, the practice test, and the test administration procedures. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions of the speakers.
This webinar will be free to the public thanks to our partnership with the ODE. Contact ohiotesol@gmail.com for more info.

State Updates: Specific Topics TBD
This session will provide timely updates from the state on various important topics.

Early Childhood Multilingual Learners – February 7, 2023
The Ohio Department of Education defines four non-negotiables that need to be established to effectively move an early childhood education program forward: High-quality instruction, key beliefs and dispositions, family partnerships, and a multi-tiered support system. This panel of presenters from diverse organizations will share resources and strategies to meet these four goals for our young, multilingual children, families, and programming.

Meaningful Partnerships with Immigrant Parents in the Special Education Process – March 7th, 2023
Active parental involvement in the Special Educational process is critical for students’ academic and social success. Legal mandates are designed to promote parent involvement in their child’s general educational experiences and safeguard the education of students with disabilities. Despite existing laws, immigrant families face significant personal and systemic barriers in advocating for their children.
This presentation focuses on examining barriers for immigrant parents of K-12 students in the Special Education process and ways to build meaningful partnerships and shared understandings of the high-stakes decisions.

English Learners and Gifted Identification – April 4th, 2022
Are you seeking ways to learn how to provide services to gifted English Learners? Look no further! This session will provide attendees with information and guidance on how this underrepresented, diverse population can be served in gifted classes. We will look at differentiation strategies and equitable practices to support gifted English learners.

Supporting Exited EL Students – May 2nd, 2023
Teachers of English Learners become adept at knowing the needs of the students they’re serving daily. It becomes more challenging when teachers are tasked with supporting the needs of former English learners who have exited regular EL support. The U.S Department of Education requires districts to monitor exited English Learners’ academic progress for two years. It requires intervention when a student demonstrates they cannot participate in instructional programs comparable to their peers meaningfully. The presenters will share strategies for supporting this group of students to ensure they can be successful.