Ohio TESOL is proud to announce that on June 11, 2022, from 9 AM until 12 PM we will be holding our 2nd Annual Virtual Graduate Symposium. This event is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to share their work with professionals across the State of Ohio.
This year we are introducing three categories of participation:
1) culminating/capstone projects for those within endorsement and licensing programs,
2) master thesis, and
3) doctoral dissertations.
All three categories must be authentic primary or secondary research using quantitative, qualitative, action research, or mix-methods research and analysis. Graduate candidates do not have to have their work completed by the application deadline but they must have their projects completed (not necessarily defended) by June 11, 2022.
We hope that you will help us advertise this opportunity to your students. If you have further comments or questions please contact ohiotesol@gmail.com.