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Implementation of the Science of Reading
Do you have English Learners who are struggling with reading grade level texts? In this session, an elementary and a secondary EL teacher will each share how they develop and support their students’ reading skills by implementing practices aligned with science and Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement. They will share how they collaborate with content teachers, sequence their lessons, and each will demonstrate specific strategies they use with their students such as teaching morphemes, syllable types and orthographic mapping.
Tracey Smith and Emma Owen will share the Implementation of the Science of Reading. Topics include phonics instruction with orthographic mapping. Pacing guides and a sequence map of phonics instruction and syllable types will be shared.
Tracey Smith graduated from Ohio Northern University with a Bachelors of Arts in Early Childhood Education and Spanish; which was completed at La Universidad de Guanajuato. She taught grades kindergarten through second grade in Orlando, FL for eight years before returning to Ohio. She taught kindergarten, first grade, and currently English Learners, for Canton City Schools. In addition to instructional services she also provides She was selected as a participant in the Science of Reading pilot program and was also involved with the working group for the Literacy EL Crosswalk of the Science of Reading for English Learners.
Emma Owen currently works as a reading specialist and high school instructor of English Learners for North Canton City Schools. In addition, she is one of two migrant recruiters for the eastern section of Ohio. With over 20 years of teaching experience, she has also taught both elementary and high school Spanish and Title I Reading. Emma’s specialty is empowering students who struggle with reading and giving them the tools and skills to become fluent and proficient readers.
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